That title is a sigh of relief, by the way, not a scream of oh-my-god,-there's-an-axe-murderer-in-my-house.
And why oh why am I sighing? Why am I so relaxed and content and happy and such things and so forth?
Because....I finished NaNoWriMo.
I finished NaNoWriMo!
You see, I just keep doing that.
I finally got to 50,000 at around ten o'clock last night. And immediately felt like taking a thirty day nap. But I didn't! I printed out my certificate, and being the dork I am, it is now hanging above my bed, and when I woke up this morning I couldn't help but grin at my little "WINNER!" paper. Victory is mine! Ha ha!
So happy December 1st, to all the Wrimos out there who aren't reading this! Congratulations, a thousand times congratulations- not for finishing, but for trying at all!
So who's ready for next year!?
Wait. No. I'm still working on that nap...
Maybe I'll start editing tomorrow. Maybe.
yay! *cheers*